Our Services

Corporate & Commercial

  • Share Acquisitions and Disposals
  • Joint Ventures & Shareholders’ Agreements
  • Start-up Business Agreements including founders’ agreements, employee stock options, subscription agreements
  • Sale & Purchase of Business & Assets
  • Licensing, Franchising & Distributorship
  • Legal Due Diligence Reviews
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Corporate Advisory
  • Personal Data Protection Compliance & Audit

Information, Communication & Technology

  • Software Development & Licensing Agreements
  • Purchase & Lease of IT Equipment
  • Hardware & Software Supply Contracts
  • Hardware & Software Maintenance Agreements
  • Website Development, Hosting & Maintenance Agreements
  • Data Protection

Property & Tax

  • Sale & Purchase Agreement for Residential Properties
  • Sale & Purchase Agreement for Commercial Properties i.e. offices, shoplots, factories and commercial land
  • Real Estate Advisory & Tax Planning
  • SME Conventional Loans & Security Documentation
  • Consumer Conventional Loans & Security Documentation
  • Islamic Financing & Security Documentation
  • Tenancies & Leases of Residential & Commercial Properties
  • Registration of Change of Ownership
  • Perfection of Transfer & Charge
  • Discharge of Charge
  • Receipt & Reassignment

Probate & Estate

  • Will Drafting & Witnessing
  • Application for Grant of Probate/Letters of Administration
  • Renunciation of Executors
  • Administration of Estate Property
  • Application for Order for Sale
  • Entry of General Caveat
  • Resealing of Foreign Probates & LA
  • Estate & Probate Claims


  • Contracts for Employees, Independent Contractors & Freelancers
  • Drafting of Employee Handbook
  • Employee Stock Options
  • Settlement of Disputes Between Employers & Employees
  • Unfair Dismissal, Constructive Dismissal, Wrongful Termination Claims
  • Judicial Review Proceedings against MoHR
  • Retrenchment Exercise & Restructuring

Intellectual Property

  • Trademark Application & Registration
  • Trademark Renewal
  • Issuance of Cease & Desist Letters
  • Start-up Consultation
  • Preliminary Searches
  • Settlement of Disputes Between Owners and Infringers
  • Representation in IP Infringement Proceedings

Dispute Resolution

  • Issuance of Letters of Demand
  • Bankruptcy Petition & Opposition
  • Company Winding Up Petition & Opposition
  • Members & Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation
  • Judicial Management & Interveners’ Application
  • Representation in Class Actions
  • Director & Shareholder Disputes
  • Land Disputes
  • Debt Recovery Claims
  • Breach of Contract & Claim for Damages
  • Obtaining & Opposing Injunctions
  • Enforcement Proceedings
  • Mediation, Negotiation & Settlement
  • International & Domestic Arbitration
  • Application for Bail & Remand
  • Contested & Uncontested Divorce Petitions
  • Employment & Labour Disputes
  • Defamation Disputes